Vilde i bakgårde

Internship paved the way for a student job within the Nordic Collaboration

“You should try to find a few different internships before you finish studying. This helps you to map out the way forward. Talk to your friends and other contacts to hear about new opportunities. Don’t be afraid to apply. Interviews are also a very good experience for later in your work life.”  

Next stop Copenhagen 

Vilde Paulsen has been on a long journey. It all started in Bergen in 2019 where she started her bachelor’s degree in Comparative Politics. In Bergen she was active in many student activities. She was amongst other a part of the team behind “Høydenfestivalen” – a culture- and music festival run by students. In 2022 she moved to India for an internship at the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Mumbai. And on a cold, late Thursday evening in February, she returned to her hometown, Oslo, and began her internship at Nordic Innovation the next morning.   

And the journey continues! After an eventful spring, Vilde is moving to Copenhagen to start her master’s degree in September. While we are speaking, she is busy finishing up her last assignments at Nordic Innovation while checking up on papers, bank accounts and all the practicalities that need to be cleared when moving to another country.     

We had a talk with Vilde Paulsen about being an intern at Nordic Innovation and how it has contributed to her further career opportunities.  

Name: Vilde Paulsen
Age: 25 years
Education: bachelor’s degree in Comparative Politics, University of Bergen
Position: intern at Nordic Innovation during spring 2023
Main working areas: communication and World Circular Economy Forum 2023
Next step: master’s degree in political science, University of Copenhagen, and student job at the Nordic Council of Ministers

Read more about our career opportunities

A World Circular Economy Forum Potato 

Why did you apply for an internship at Nordic Innovation?  

“I wanted to get some relevant experience while taking a break from studying. I think all internships are a great way to learn what you want to work with and within what field. I also like that the internship was project based, so you have a clear goal and a result at the end of the work period.”  

In May 2023 Nordic Innovation organized the World Circular Economy Forum in collaboration with the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. Vilde Paulsen’s main assignments have been related to the organization and communication of this event.  

What has been the biggest challenge during your internship?  

“Big events always come with a lot of challenges as you must collaborate and coordinate with many different people and areas of responsibility. Creating a way of working that keeps everyone in the loop while making progress was both challenging and instructive. “ 

When asked about the biggest highlights from her internship, Vilde is soon to reply:

“World Circular Economy Forum in Helsinki, definitely! This event really gave me the opportunity to build on my knowledge and experience, while at the same time learning from colleagues at Nordic Innovation.”  

“But also, our internal communication seminar in Oslo organized by the three organizations at Nordic Center was a really great experience,” she adds. 

From left: Sarah Hitz, Nils Arne Haagensen, Lena Henriksson, Peter Munch-Madsen, Vilde Paulsen, Hege Louise Guttormsen and Ole Aune Ødegård.

Can you tell me more about the World Circular Economy Forum?  

“The annual conference World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) presents the world’s leading circular economy solutions with business leaders, policymakers and experts participating from around the world. In 2023 it was back in the Nordics, hosted in Helsinki,” Vilde explains. 

“Every year the main host, Sitra, brings a new co-host, and Nordic Innovation was this year’s co-host. It is a great space to meet new people within the field and raise new debates,” she continues. 

What is a “WCEF Potato”? 

“Haha! Yes, what do I mean by that? Well, my role during the World Circular Economy Forum was a big variation of different things. I was working with both Nordic Innovation and Sitra. I worked with the website, wrote articles, did social media, put together a Nordic stand for the expo area, I made schedules for the Nordic Innovation team and tried to keep track of all the updates. In other words, I was like a World Circular Economy Forum potato”, she laughs.   

“This has been super fun and extremely educational!”   

When asked about concrete learning outcomes from her internship project management came up as a prompt reaction:  

“To be involved in hosting an event for 2.000 people gives you a good eye for detail and a good overview of projects. Also, getting to know about the work being done in the Nordics within different industries and sectors to meet global climate goals has been extremely interesting.” 

“And not to mention, getting to know the structure of the Nordic Collaboration better has been really fruitful,” she states.  

Read some of our other employee stories

The "Nordic Stand" during World Circular Economy Forum. From left: Vilde Paulsen, Ole Aune Ødegård and Arild Moen.

The Nordic Collaboration = Søskenkjærlighet 

It is always interesting to know what people think about the Nordic Collaboration or how they perceive it. What is the Nordic Collaboration to you?  

“If I should describe it with one word that would be the Norwegian word ‘søskenkjærlighet’ which, if translated directly to English, means ‘siblings love’.  

What do you mean with ‘siblings love’?  

“I think we all like to joke about each other and play on the stereotypes of the different countries, but in the core, we care a lot about each other and have a special bond across history, language and culture. Just like siblings”.  

From left: Vilde Paulsen, Hege Louise Guttormsen, Guttorm Aanes, Marianne Knudsen, Sarah Hitz, Rasmus Emborg, Ole Aune Ødegård, Mari Bangstad, Emil Gejrot and Tone Heiene.

Nordic Council of Ministers: last piece of the puzzle 

Sometimes the puzzle falls into place before you even realize it. After being offered a spot at the University of Copenhagen, a friend coincidentally needed a new roommate for the next semester.  

“What are the odds? Finding accommodation as a student in Copenhagen is not easy, so I was super lucky”.  

As if this was not enough, she  also landed a part-time student job at the Nordic Council of Ministers office in Copenhagen and according to Vilde, the role of her internship at Nordic Innovation is indisputable in that matter:   

“I definitely think it was a plus that I already knew the organization from inside. Understanding the structure and mission of the Nordic collaboration will also make it easier to adjust to the new office and position, I think”. 

“Working at Nordic Innovation has also exposed me to the different opportunities I have as a student in Copenhagen. So, without my internship here I might not have known about the student employment position in Copenhagen at all.”  

We have reached the end of this interview. Is there something you would like to add?  

“I am super happy to continue working in the Nordic collaboration”!   


Lena Henriksson - Head of Communication

Lena Henriksson

Head of Communication
Visionary change maker who believes in a good strategy. Combined communication and marketing expert with working experience from the broadcasting businesses Swedish Radio and UR. Walked from Media to Business and became responsible for marketing, corporate communication and PR in startups and institutes. Interested in making a difference with great communication.

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Sarah Hitz - Communication Adviser

Sarah Hitz

Senior Communication Adviser
Sarah has a broad experience within marketing and communication from both the private sector and public organizations with the European Parliament as her proudest reference. Her main focus at Nordic Innovation is social media, but she is open to all aspects of communication. She has a strong passion for international collaboration with business development, education and freedom of movement as her main areas of interest.

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