Panel diskussion under Arctic Frontiers
Ocean Econnomy

"Multi-use at sea is a ‘no brainer"

Our Arctic Frontiers session ‘Marine Multi-Use as a Means to Achieve 30x30’ revealed that ocean management is a topic filled with dilemmas.

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News and events

Panel diskussion under Arctic Frontiers
#Sustainable Ocean Economy

Multi-use at sea is a ‘no brainer’

“We depend on the ocean, among others to feed a growing global-population, and at the same time we need to protect its biodiversity,” - Marianne Sivertsen Næss, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and the Ocean.
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Circular shaped neighborhood on Iceland
#Circular Business Models

The Nordic Smart City Circular Fast Track

This project will take proven solutions from a Nordic Smart City Network member city and transfer it to other relevant cities in the network.


Low carbon clinics forside
#Sustainable Construction

Low Carbon Clinics

Practical experience with carbon reduction initiatives from building projects in the Nordic countries.

Current funding opportunities