Nordic cities close to ports suffer from pollution from ships at berth. A large part of this pollution originates from onboard power generation based on heavy fuel oil or diesel oil. A possible solution to the pollution problem is on shore power supply.
This project consist of a feasibility study of on shore power supply. The feasibility study will compile information on the technical possibilities as well as grants available for investments. The project aims to provide clear and objective knowledge to the parties influencing decisions of on shore power in Nordic ports.
To bring shipping in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, the maritime sector needs to reduce CO2 emissions by 50 % by 2050. This requires major advancements in technology as well as shifts in business models and in the ways of operating, including in the interface between land and sea.
To support innovation and collaboration in this interface, Nordic Innovation formulated a NOK 8 million Nordic Innovation Mobility Mission with the aim of decarbonising Nordic ports, transport of people and goods – on and between sea and land. Five projects were awarded support in March 2020.
After the project period has ended, the most promising project will be offered additional funding of up to NOK 3 million in the form of a grant.