In this project Nordic Innovation wishes to involve and engage the platform businesses in a dialogue with employers’ organisations and trade unions on the growth protentional of new digital platforms and innovative ways of organising work, that will respect certain standards of the social partners.
The project-aim is to gather knowledge of existing platforms with knowledge-intensive services such as academic work. What are the challenges and advantages in new ways of organising work and selling services? The project perspective should be both national, nordic and international.
The project should be executed through three phases
- An analysis carried out by Economics Norway and the Research Foundation Fafo and a supporting panel of Nordic experts, to study opportunities and barriers for Nordic countries to take advantage of benefits created by the platform economy. The analysis has a specific focus on the platform economy in the knowledge-intensive labour market.
- Dissemination of results of the analysis at a conference and through media channels.
- Direct dialogue between the employer and employee organizations and national authorities.
26 August 2019 the report The Knowledge-intensive Platform Economy in the Nordic Countries was published. The report was commissioned by Nordic Innovation and the project partners.
In September 2019 the five organisations are coming together for a conference on platform economy. The conference will take place in Malmö, Sweden. You can see the program, read more and sign up here.
Project Partners
Analysis and report

Johan Røed Steen