Booth with two benches and a table with a laptop on top. Yellow wall.

New report: Platform economy and the opportunities for the knowledge-intensive labor market

Download report here

The first-ever analysis of the Nordic knowledge-intensive platform economy is here. Across the Nordics, platforms for knowledge-intensive work are being used as a supplement or a new way of working. On a larger scale the platforms are not occupying the labor market, only between 0.3% and 2.5% of the Nordic labor force currently works via platforms, but the platforms are still gaining more ground and can potentially require a legal framework to adjust to the new ways of working.

Between 0.3% and 2.5% of the Nordic labor force currently works via platforms

The Knowledge-intensive Platform Economy in the Nordic Countries, 2019.

In this report commissioned by Nordic Innovation and the five national Federations of Professional Associations, Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse and Fafo dive into the Nordic knowledge-intensive platforms, to investigate the opportunities that lie within the platforms and what it might mean for the Nordic labor market.

One of the more surprising aspects of the report, is the differences between the Nordic labor markets, as seen in the illustration below. Here especially Denmark and Norway stand out. This means different opportunities and challenges for employers and employees.

The Knowledge-intensive Platform Economy in the Nordic Countries, 2019

The Knowledge-intensive Platform Economy in the Nordic Countries report is a part of the Nordic innovation project on Platform Economy.

Read and download the full report here

Conference on platform economy

On 2 September 2019, the five national Federations of Professional Associations will hold a conference on platform economy with a presentation on the new report by Samfunnsøkonomisk Analyse.

At the conference selected platforms will also present themselves and their challenges working with platforms and the legal framework that exists around it. One of the participating platforms, Worksome, has given insight into the possibilities for Nordic platforms. Watch the video below.

Knowledge-intensive platform, Worksome, talks platform economy
and what legal framework could help them move forward.

Do you wish to attend the conference in Malmö? Read more and sign up here.


Nina Egeli - Senior Innovation Adviser

Nina Egeli

Senior Innovation Adviser
Internationalization, innovation and business development support, in combination with a strong background in strategy and policy development are main pillars in Nina’s professional life. Through project design and management, she aims to fit market needs with relevant services and opportunities that allows new business partnerships and business projects to prosper.

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Marthe Haugland - Senior Innovation Adviser

Marthe Haugland

Senior Innovation Adviser
Marthe combines her international experience with her knowledge of business development and innovation to promote Nordic cooperation within the circular economy. She belives Nordic cooperation can drive the systemic change and give Nordic companies a competitive edge going forward.

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