The Nordic Cooperation will gather in Stockholm for Nordic Climate Action Weeks. The mission is to create a back door into the COP25 in Madrid and open it up for everyone who want's to take climate action, especially the Nordic youth.
Nordic Innovation will arrange two events during the Nordic arm of the conference on 4 and 12 December 2019.
Theme of the day: My Fossil Free Community
Wednesday 4 December 14.00-15.00 | Innovative steps for a sustainable future Because of rapid urbanization, a large majority of the world population will be living in cities, also in the Nordics. Therefore, we need to develop more sustainable, connected, integrated and seamless transportation flows and hereby reduce carbon footprints for healthy living and quality of life. Together with our partners we invite you to discuss how the Nordics can, are, and should be leading the way towards fossil free communities. We will address renewable energy, electric aviation, and MaaS (Mobility as a service). Let's talk! Speakers: Mikael Bergmark Project manager, Pumped Hydro Storage Mikael is a is a trained environmental and energy engineer with focus on the power production/-markets. As the share of electricity that comes from solar and wind increases, so will the need for energy storage on the grid. What happens when the wind don’t blow and the sun don’t shine? PHS aims to be an important part of the transition to a sustainable energy production by bridging the gap between production and consumption. We do so by transforming abandoned mines into sustainable, large water batteries. Maria Fiskerud Project manager, the Nordic Network for Electric Aviation and innovation cluster manager for the Swedish initiative Fossil-free aviation 2045. NEA is a platform that allows all actors within aviation and airports in the Nordics to come together to accelerate the introduction of electric aviation in the Nordic countries. NEA will facilitate collaboration within infrastructure, industry and business modelling. Søren Bom Senior Consultant, Mobility and Education, The Capital Region of Denmark Søren Bom is responsible for development and partnerships in new public and shared mobility solutions in the Capital Region of Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen. The region are funding partners in a pan-nordic project that aims to change travel behavior from car-ownership to Mobility as a Service. The project builds on common open data standards in the Nordic countries opening for new multimodal mobility solutions inspired by how roaming made it easy to use your local mobile phone subscription across Europe. |
Theme of the day: Carbon Neutrality and Green Transition
Thursday 12 December 15.30-16.30 | Circular economy – Increasing competitiveness and contributing to sustainability Organized in collaboration with NordForsk. Increasing competitiveness and contributing to sustainability are just two of the reasons why interest in circular economy is growing worldwide. In a linear economy, materials are extracted, turned into products and disposed of after a relatively short use phase. In a circular economy, on the other hand, more use is made of materials and products, whilst benefits for the economy, society and the environment are created. Join us to find out more about what circular economy really means and what approaches and tools to use for circular economy driven innovation. Moderator Elís Benediktsson, Senior Innovation Adviser, Nordic Innovation Speakers and panelists Tim McAloone Tim is a Professor in Sustainable Product/Service-Systems at the Technical University of Denmark and Project Manager of the Nordic Green Growth CIRCit Project. CIRCit (Circular Economy Integration in the Nordic Industry for enhanced sustainability and competitiveness) is a 3½ year research project, supported by the Nordic Green Growth Initiative and involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The project is developing science‐based tools and approaches, in close collaboration with companies, with the aim of enabling Nordic industry to transition to a circular economy. Elin Bergman Elin Bergman is one of the initiators of the Nordic Circular Hotspot, a spokesperson for the Swedish circular economy network Cradlenet and circular economy expert at WWF Sweden where she is running a new international circular economy initiative for the food sector - Baltic Stewardship. Ola Lowden Ola is the founder and CEO of Omocom, the insurance solution for the circular economy. He is also a lawyer with 8 years’ experience in data flows and digital trade. He has given lectures at universities and organizations such as the UN, WTO and CIFTIS as well as both the EU Parliament and Commission. He has been appointed expert in several parliamentary committees on sharing and circular economy at the Swedish Riksdag Axel Hellström Axel is Co-founder of Hygglo. Hygglo is a Peer-2-Peer marketplace for renting stuff, everything from tools and gardening equipment to DJ-kits, photo equipment and outdoor equipment. Hygglos mission is to make use of all the stuff people have laying around their houses and preventing people from buying new stuff they are not going to use.” Harald Cavalli-Björkman Harald is Head of Communications at re:newcell. re:newcell AB owns and operates the world’s first chemical recycling plant for pre- and post-consumer cellulosic textile waste in Kristinehamn, Sweden. re:newcell was founded in 2012 to develop a solution to close the loop on fashion. The company has received the Norrsken Impact Award, been named Circular Initiative of the Year 2019 by the Recycling Industries of Sweden, and awarded the 2019 Encouragement for Action Award by Stockholm Fashion District. Slimane Bouabbane Slimane is the co-founder and CEO of Dockstr, the online marketplace for the marine and offshore industry. Previously to Dockstr, he held a number of executive and management roles internationally for PA Resources, Technipfmc, Subsea 7, Intecsea and Macartney amongst others. Dockstr is a B2B platform designed to benefit buyers, sellers and the marine/offshore industry as a whole by allowing mobile assets and equipment such as underwater robots, marine construction equipment and ship engines to be redeployed more efficiently. Dockstr is a driving force of the circular and sharing economy within the marine professional world. |
The program is subject to change and will be updated regularly.
To see the Nordic program in its entirety, please visit
There will be a photographer present at the events. Please let us know if you do not wish to be photographed.