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The Nordic Marine Innovation Program 2.0

Learn more about the results from the projects in the Nordic Marine Innovation Program 2.0 running from 2015-2018.
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The Nordic countries are world leading in fisheries and aquaculture. Nevertheless, business actors are still challenged on demand for new products, better quality, lower production costs, and stricter environ-mental requirements. A clear goal of the Nordic Marine Innovation Program 2.0 has therefore been to create more business opportunities, increase profitability and sustainability in the sector through Nordic solutions.

Nordic Innovation is very pleased to present the results from the eight projects in the Nordic Marine Innovation Programme 2.0, where new networks, products and technologies were developed through Nordic collaboration. 

The initiative is co-funded by Innovation Norway, the Nordic Working Group for Fisheries and The Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannis).

The report is a sum up of the projects under the program: Nordic Marine Innovation Program 2.0.