The purpose of this project is to develop and test solutions that can address the textile collection and sorting challenges by taking a Supply Chain Management (SCM) perspective. More specifically, the project will develop cost-efficient collection solutions that achieve an increased collection rate by stimulating consumers to hand in their used textiles.
Short-term objectives
- Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the current textile circular systems in Nordic countries and estimate the capacity requirements for a textile collection and sorting system in the future.
- Systematically map the market for recycled raw material and reused textiles and identify new business opportunities.
- Develop, evaluate, and test cost-efficient collection solutions closer to users. This includes both evaluating existing collection methods and identifying current inefficiencies, as well as developing and evaluating new collection solutions.
- Design of Nordic circular network solutions for using centralized infrastructure or shared resources in the Nordic region such as automated sorting and evaluation of the design in terms of environmental, economic, and social aspects.
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), Chalmers Industriteknik, Aalto University, Aalborg Univer-sity, NTNU, Integrate, Nudie Jeans, Kruse Vaskeri, Kretslopp & Vatten, Kungälv kommun, Mölndalsstad, Göteborgsre-gionen, Trasborg, Convert, Balder, DHL, Red Cross/Röda korset, Björk och Frihet, Better World Fashion, Avfall Sverige, TRV Gruppen AS, UFF Norge.
The Nordic Prime Ministers have decided on a new vision for Nordic cooperation. The Nordic countries are to become the most integrated, sustainable region in the world by 2030, emphasizing green (circular and biobased), competitive and socially inclusive societies. The Nordic countries have the strongholds needed to be frontrunners in the circular economy. However, there are still issues to resolve in order to reach the climate targets and Sustainable Development Goals, especially number 12 (Sustainable production and consumption) and 13 (Climate Change).
The call, where the project was funded was designed to enable cooperation actions that can turn strategies into concrete solutions to help reduce the CO2 footprint, reduce and optimize material use, promote innovations and implement new business models. The call for proposals: Circular Cities & New Circular Solutions addressed two of the four action areas that currently make up Nordic Innovation’s Nordic Sustainable Business Transformation program.