WCEF2023 Accelerator Session: Collaborative strategies for circular minerals sourcing to accelerate a low-carbon energy future

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Accelerator session: Nordic learnings for transforming to a circular business

This event is an Accelerator Session at the World Circular Economy Forum 2023.

Collaborative strategies for circular minerals sourcing to accelerate a low-carbon energy future

With an increased demand for minerals necessary for a low carbon future, how can we most effectively realize circular economy approaches to mineral value chains? How can more strategic alignment and collaboration, from mines to end-use products, accelerate progress to a truly circular, decarbonized future?

As industry pursues decarbonization, reduced waste and social equity, we aim to explore what new strategies, levers, business models/revenue flows, and technologies circularity can bring.  The session will seek to identify how collaborative efforts among different stakeholders can move the industry forward - beyond incremental efficiency gains. The session is about sharing strategic priorities and solutions among practitioners throughout mineral value chains from the mining industry, to manufacturers, investors, policy makers and civil society actors focused on sustainability innovation.


This accelerator session is taking place during the World Circular Economy Forum 2023. The session is organized in collaboration with Smart Prosperity Institute, MERG (Materials Efficiency Research Group) and ICMM.

You find the event venue instructions here
