
Nordic Innovation co-funds about 70 ongoing Nordic innovation projects that contributes to making the Nordic region a pioneering region for sustainable growth. Most of the projects are funded through our programs.
University of Copenhagen Southern Campus. A modern building and open space with trees.
#Entrepreneurship #Circular Business Models

Startup at Nordic Universities

This pre-project aims to establish a network of student & researcher startup hubs and innovation centers at Nordic universities.

Green gras growing between circular shaped paving stones
#Circular Business Models

Nordic Circular Economy Outlook 2024

The Circular Economy Outlook is an survey of the circular transition of publicly listed companies in the Nordics. The purpose is to investigate the progress of the circular transition from expressed goals to measurable results. We also map drivers and bar

Kelpwood Bioplastic project showing products made of biomaterial
#Sustainable Ocean Economy

Kelpwood & Bioplastic from Nordic Ocean Biomass

Interesting Times Gang will, together with our partners throughout Scandinavia, produce two revolutionary and interconnected biomaterials from Sugar Kelp and Pacific Oyster Shells.

Man on a boat is harvesting sugar kelp in the Faroe Islands.
#Sustainable Ocean Economy

Circle Feed

Reducing the carbon footprint of feed protein production for dairy cattle by including circular cultivated seaweed. The goal is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of the total supply chain related to dairy cattle by more than 30%.

Illustrative photorealistic picture of an overgrown oiil platform with wind turbins
#Sustainable Ocean Economy

Hack the Ocean – a multi-use hackathon

Multi-use at sea, carrying out different marine activities in the same place, at the same time, can help build a more sustainable ocean economy. A new hackathon funded by Nordic Innovation seeks to turn theory into practice.

AI and data illustrative photo of a woman in the Matrix
#AI and Data

Nordic Ethical AI & Data Ecosystem

Through this project, Nordic Innovation seeks to develop a Nordic AI and data ecosystem, based on the principles of responsible use of data and ethical AI.