Mennesker der sidder rundt om et bord
#Sustainable Ocean Economy

"Multi-use platforms at sea are a part of the future"

Representatives from academia, ocean industries and government agencies met to discuss the establishment of multi-use parks at sea in the Nordics. Need for proper planning, holistic thinking and sharing of existing data were among the key takeaways.
Paneldebat under arendalsuka
#Smart Connectivity #Circular Business Models #Nordic Green Mobility

Democracy festivals showcased the necessity of Nordic collaboration

Nordic Innovation organized a total of ten events at the Nordic democracy festivals this Summer. Focus was on mobility, health, venture capital and entrepreneurship. The importance of Nordic collaboration was a recurring theme across all events.
Man standing next to  box filled with fish on ice
#50th anniversary

Feeding the Future: shaping a sustainable nordic food industry

Food is an essential part of life. It is a major contributor to health and well-being, culture, trade and economic development. This was why Nordisk Industrifond decided to focus on this topic in the 90s, through the NorFood program.
Nordic Health App Award 2023 winner at Arendalsuka
#Science and Health Tech

Celebrating the best health apps in the Nordics

On 15 August the Nordic Health App Award 2023 took place as a part of the political festival in Norway, Arendalsuka. Winner was the Swedish company Paindrainer®. The companies: Medanets, SeeWound, Ommej and Icura made it to the finals.
Sarah laver interview med Kati fra Fiskars på den nordiske stand under WCEF
#Circular Business Models

Knowledge sharing and cooperation to reach global targets

One of the main targets for the Nordic cooperation is for the Nordics to become the most sustainable and integrated regions in the world. To achieve these goals the global Nordic industries need to be on board.